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First reader at Flashing Swords Magazine

A couple of months ago, the managing editor of Flashing Swords Magazine asked for volunteers to read submitted stories. The magazine publishes mostly Sword and Sorcery (SS) stories, so I was very interested.

The editor sent me a story to review and comment on, and I sent her my comments. After that, I was on the team of first readers. Woo hoo!

The main reason that I do this is to help other writers while I learn from them. Every story is as unique as its writer. The plot, characters, settings, etc. are different in every story, so I learn excellent techniques in every part of story telling. When I think about what worked in the story, and what didn’t, I have to go deep into the writing craft. That helps me to think about everything in my own stories.

The managing editor of FS, CrystalWizard, has a mission. She makes sure that every writer who submits a story to the magazine receives a critique of that story. It goes above and beyond anything I’ve experienced. I love being a part of that mission!

Take a look at the magazine:  Flashing Swords Magazine. And while you’re there, look at the new anthology called The Return of the Sword. If you’re into SS, this collection of stories is excellent!

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